Learning in Digital Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in the Early Years Learning Framework. It focuses on developing foundational skills in computational thinking and an awareness of personal experiences using digital systems.
By the end of Year 2, students will have had opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through guided play and integrated learning, such as using robotic toys to navigate a map or recording science data with software applications.
In Foundation – Year 2, students begin to learn about common digital systems and patterns that exist within data they collect. Students organise, manipulate and present this data, including numerical, categorical, text, image, audio and video data, in creative ways to create meaning.
Students use the concept of abstraction when defining problems, to identify the most important information, such as the significant steps involved in making a sandwich. They begin to develop their design skills by conceptualising algorithms as a sequence of steps for carrying out instructions, such as identifying steps in a process or controlling robotic devices.
Students describe how information systems meet information, communication and/or recreational needs.
Through discussion with teachers, students learn to apply safe and ethical practices to protect themselves and others as they interact online for learning and communicating.
Hiding details of an idea, problem or solution that are not relevant, to focus on a manageable number of aspects.
Abstraction does not appear explicitly in the content descriptions.
However, abstraction underpins the design and progression of content descriptions between band levels for each concept.
Recognise digital systems
Recognise and name digital systems.
Students name digital systems (e.g. smart phone or laptop) that they interact with at home and school, and recognise that they are digital systems.
Explore digital systems with purpose
Play with and use digital systems in meaningful ways.
Students play (with guidance) and use different systems to explore what they do and how they work. They match digital systems to specific purposes (e.g. using a phone to call a family member).
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Networks in band F-2.
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Security in band F-2.
Recognise patterns
Recognise patterns in data and make generalisations from those patterns.
Students notice patterns in data and make simple generalisations (e.g. organise objects by colour or size) and predictions (e.g. how the pattern continues).
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Data types in band F-2.
Collect data
Gather and record data by counting and measuring.
Students gather data by observing, counting, and measuring objects in their school and home environments (e.g. recording the pets at home and counting them by type).
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Manage data in band F-2.
Organise data
Organise data by classifying, grouping and sorting.
Students explore data by classifying, grouping, and sorting (e.g. ordering students by height; grouping photos of pets by their type).
Visualise data
Present data in various ways to summarise data.
Students present data in different ways to answer simple questions (e.g. use a table or pictograph to discover the most common pets at home).
Familiar problems
Simple problems that are already familiar to students.
Students investigate familiar and easily understood problems, with few complications or steps required to solve them (e.g. deciding what to wear depending on the day and weather).
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Constraints in band F-2.
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Decomposition in band F-2.
Follow algorithms
Follow an ordered sequence of steps to solve a simple problem or complete a task.
Students follow a short ordered sequence of steps and make decisions to solve a simple problem (e.g follow a recipe or directions to reach a location).
Represent algorithms
Represent a clear, ordered sequence of steps and decisions using words and images.
Students describe the steps and decisions (in the correct order) required to solve a simple problem (e.g. write, say, draw, or photograph the steps needed to make a sandwich).
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Design algorithms in band F-2.
Sequence of steps
An sequence of steps (instructions) where order might or might not matter.
Students identify the steps needed to solve a problem, and understand when their order is important (e.g. socks must go on before shoes) or when they can be reordered (e.g. jumper can go on before or after shoes).
Branching (decisions)
Branching involves following different steps based on a yes/no decision.
Students identify the decisions needed to solve a problem and the next steps to follow in each case (e.g. if it is raining, take a raincoat, otherwise take a hat).
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Digital Solutions in band F-2.
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Programming constructs in band F-2.
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Programming paradigms in band F-2.
Information systems
A combination of digital systems, data, processes, and people that interact to create, control, and communicate information.
Students describe how familiar information systems support needs at home and school (e.g. some things are possible with paint software that are not possible without it, like experimenting with colours on a photo before painting the surface).
Individual people (the students and their family members and friends).
Students describe how familiar information systems meet the needs of individuals (e.g. how different family members use a tablet for different needs – play videos, read the news, or follow a recipe).
The impact digital systems have had on our ability to solve a range of problems that enrich and enhance our lives.
Students understand that we use systems to store and access information all the time, and how using that information helps us learn about our environment, interactions and leisure activities.
Create ideas and information
Using digital technologies to manipulate data and present a product.
Students use familiar information systems to share information with others (e.g. using presentation software to share holiday photos).
Completing a structured task or activity in small groups with defined roles.
Students create individual pieces of work that contribute to a group task (e.g. each student contributes a recipe and photo of their favourite food to create a class recipe book).
Cyber safety
Sharing ideas and information with approved people in teacher-managed environments.
Students share their work online with each other and approved family members under teacher supervision (e.g. through student portfolios in a school parent portal).
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Plan and manage in band F-2.
The content descriptions do not explicitly address User experience in band F-2.
The content descriptions do not explicitly address Evaluate designs in band F-2.